Service Pack,微软滚动不息的雪球——这回是Office 2007

又是10多号了,微软为我们这些正版用户的服务时间到!右下角黄色的小盾牌又把疼人的小脸露出来了,12月安全更新,8个,一共……怎么会是750MB?难道是传说中的Windows XP Service Pack 3发布了?上了一下Microsoft Update网站,发现原来不是Windows出了Service Pack,而是Office出了Service Pack。所以,本月的安全更新也不是8个,而是7个(MS07-063MS07-069)。用自动更新来下载Service Pack,是一种愚蠢的行为。自动更新这个程序不知道是谁开发的,要是我来管这个项目,那帮工程师早就回家了。作为一个本地运行的程序,有那么多信息,居然不管三七二十一先全部下载下来,也不问本地有没有保留缓存——为什么不在下载之前检查一下哪。去看了一下Office 2007 Service Pack 1的下载点,只有200多MB,用FlashGet下载,只用了不到20分钟。

最近,微软产品无论是桌面系统还是服务器,Service Pack是不会断的了。还没有Service Pack的,会发布Service Pack 1(.NET Framework 2.0.NET Framework 3.0的Service Pack 1引起的硬盘转动带来的余热尚未消失)。已经有了Service Pack n的,会发布Service Pack n+1。终于到了这样的年代:同一产品线的新老版本由于Service Pack的存在而彻底地纠缠在了一起,Windows Vista Service Pack 1即将出炉,已经发了Release Candidate,但Windows XP Service Pack 3仍然值得发布说明这个“过时”版本仍然势头非常强劲(至少让我近期升级我是绝对不肯的)。Service Pack后,又继以Update for Service Pack;Update for Service Pack后,又继以Cumulative Updates for Service Pack;Cumulative Updates for Service Pack后,又继以下一代Service Pack。操作系统有Service Pack,操作系统部件有Service Pack,应用程序有Service Pack,服务器有Service Pack,Framework有Service Pack,恐怕接下去硬件的Firmware也会有Service Pack……真可谓生命不息,Service Pack不止。每次Service Pack的推出,又是对某种产品的再次关注,会给IT评论家、技术经理、稿费混子们送一次赚钱的机会。微软的这一套,我7年前就参透了,但对这一招居然能奏效7年,还是感到意外。





《 “Service Pack,微软滚动不息的雪球——这回是Office 2007” 》 有 4 条评论

  1. 博 高 的头像
    博 高

    Today I got a message from Microsoft TechNet Flash‘s From Editors column as follows:
    Happy holidays, and it seems our gift to you this season is service packslots of service packs. If you are one of the people who have been waiting for Windows Vista Service Pack 1, you can now incorporate SP1 code into your testing, piloting, and deployment planning activity. The Release Candidate of Windows Vista SP1 is now available for download. We have also created a special site within TechNet, the Windows Vista Springboard, to aid you through the entire adoption process. Note that if you do take advantage of the pre-release code program, do remember that the code will likely change before its final release. In this case, we strongly recommend that you also plan to install the final version of Windows Vista SP1 when it is released in the first quarter of 2008.
    For the 2007 Office Servers and Office suite, we’ve rolled the updates into a single service pack for servers and another one for the suite. Download the 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 1 and the 2007 Microsoft Office suite Service Pack 1 to get all of the updates released for the 2007 Microsoft Office System servers prior to December of 2007, plus important customer-requested stability and performance improvements and further enhancements to user security.
    You can get a more complete description of the 2007 Office Servers SP1 and 2007 Office suite SP1, including a list of issues that were fixed, in the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 936984: Description of the 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 1 and 936982: Description of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite Service Pack 1.
    While Windows Vista and 2007 Office Servers are getting their first service pack updates, Windows XP is getting its last. For TechNet subscribers, Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download. Windows XP SP3 will be a rollup that includes all previously released updates for Windows XP, including security updates, out-of-band releases, and hotfixes. It contains a small number of new updates, but should not significantly change the Windows XP experience.
    Mmm, it seems that I am still a sharp technical observer, and quick enough.

  2. ziqiqi wrote: 的头像
    ziqiqi wrote:

    MS’s biz model is near its doom anyway

  3. Lionel Chen 的头像
    Lionel Chen

    啊,我地个乖~ 多打补丁是勤俭节约的表现好不好?

  4. Robbie Mosaic wrote: 的头像
    Robbie Mosaic wrote:



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